The Vague:-
The lookalike House and the Mysterious Stranger
Date:- 07/07/08
Dear Firefly,
I have told you that sometimes my dreams are so scary that I can't even recognize what is real and what isn't?
So I tried a new strategy to revive myself in the nightmare.
It was a time when I was in 8th standard and had few friends. I only remembered a great bond with my cousins and siblings.
My cousin has invited me to his house for a small celebration.
Do you know what we were celebrating?
Ahh, I know you can't speak, let me tell you.
We were celebrating the first day of the summer holidays.
It was so encouraging we enjoyed it a lot.
I thought I slept there on his couch.
I was in a dream. I tried to open my eyes I still didn't get up. I just popped up in the middle of an unknown place. There was a house and a family. The location was look-alike my cousin's party room.
I got scared by the sudden screams. I came into the room. What I saw was a madman beating a minor. He was looking too angry.
A woman behind him tied up on the couch, crying and screaming at him. I had no idea that she could be his wife.
How can someone terrorize his wife?
I realized that he was fully possessed. His body language and behavior were peculiar.
It was a high definition nightmare everything was so real.
I was afraid of them more because I jumped up in the middle. I can't even have the details of how and when all this happened?
Previously, I was at a party in my cousin's farmhouse. This house was a little similar to my cousin's. I was trying to find them. I was guessing that I woke up somewhere else. There was no clock on any wall, no decors, the room was a bit empty except the couch and these people.
It was not the first time that I have experienced such terror.
I haven't read any horror novels since I found
that made me miserable once in my 11th standard.
The strange thing is that I was not able to remember my name.
sorry, we were talking about the dream,
the dream was just not that scary but the
the situation was.
The kid was in total abuse. His mother was crying for help.
I felt helpless,
how can I help rescue them?
He took the wooden stool and threw it to him. The kid started screaming at him.
"This man isn't my daddy."
"Just shut up, look at him, see, you spoiled our kid." said the possessed soul.
"You are killing him. are you his daddy?" asked the mother.
I said, "Don't kill him."
"You stranger, just go to the house party."
The possessed man said to me,
I looked at myself. I was not wearing party clothes,
I asked myself, how does he know about me? I got scared when he made eye contact.
I felt like I saw a devil's eye.
"I can't find them.
Did you kill them too?"
I asked.
"Shut up, you another spoiled kid."
Said the man.
I saw the stool got smashed. The kid was watching me across it.
He was frightened, even I was.
I was trying to find something. The most haunted thing was that there was no exit for us.
We three messed up. We can't even know how we can save each other?
I started getting something from my consciousness,
I got a question from my intuition,
"Is it all real or just a dream?"
but still, I was not able to remember my name.
I remember, like we humans, we have five fingers in our two hands.
"Oh, if it's a dream, something must be unusual," I said in my head, "but you know everything is odd for you,
Where are your cousins, where are everybody, why did they leave you here, is it a prank or something?"
I saw my fingers of a right hand,
and said to me, "look I have five fingers."
I felt awful,
when I saw the kid was still sobbing in the corner.
The man opened the refrigerator. He took away the beer can.
I saw his left hand.
He opened the can with a long creepy nail.
I said in my said,
"Oh my left hand, I am a lefty, my hand
I didn't see it, my nails, my fingers.
He was drinking beer,
He saw me like he already knew what I was thinking.
I got scared of his smile.
I broke my eye contact,
then I saw a sword on the wall. It was strange that when I entered the hall, there was nothing on the wall. The blood was dropping out of the edges. I started crying because it was too disturbing and bizarre.
I turned around to see my both hands again,
He called me by my name
"I know you, sweety. You are not that smart."
It was like I was in the movie to survive from my biggest fear, the fear of death.
The tears were rolling down my cheeks.
I joined both hands to see if something was missing. What I noticed was a little relief for me.
"Oh, my thumb-nail is missing
and my left thumb is smaller than the right one."
I accidentally said it louder,
"Oh, there is no similarity in your left hand and the right hand's thumb, that means it's a lie cause I never had an accident.
Haha, It's all a lie."
The kid stood up and asked me
"Oh, it's just a dream."
I saw a kid again. He looks like my cousin.
I asked to myself
"Is it my cousin dreaming with me?"
A man threw a can on me. I defend my face.
I wanted to see the lady again but
I woke up early.
(My eyes were closed. I gained 90% consciousness from the nightmare.
All the visuals last a few minutes.
What I said was
"Oh, no, I wanted to see them. Who were those? How did all my cousins leave me?
I will not talk to them again."
"Oh, how you slept at their house. I picked you and came here.
But why did it go wrong?
Beta, "
Papa said to me.
"Nothing, Papa, I am angry,"
I said,
"Beta, you were dreaming,"
Papa said.
"But the mystery is not solved yet," I said
"Beta, some mysteries last long throughout your life. You need to open your eyes."
He told me.
"Like, see, your mind knows it's 4 am. It makes stories to wake you up at the correct time. You are my wisest kid. You don't need an alarm but a dream."
He said,
"Daddy, do you get the same dream again? " I asked him.
"Yes, childhood dreams, beta."
Dadda replied,
"Were they scary?"
I asked him,
"No, they were strange."
He said.
It never happened again. Firefly, I will tell you if I saw this type of dream again to keep it a secret so that I don't have a stomach ache. As you know, if I can't tell you, I can't even sleep.
Good day, Pal.