Ten Things About Journal Writing Beginners Must Know
In this article, I will cover the basics of journal writing, where ever you are in your writing skill if you want to start from the zero don’t feel shy at all, after all, you want improvements in your life so you are here to learn something to live.
When I was out of town for three days I carried my gratitude journal with me, self-help books, my pens, and my craft accessories while I was packing my bag, all were telling me why are carrying so much, you will stay there hardly for 3 days.
But the answer is simple when you love these things you don’t want to miss the continuity after all the fun you get from it will revive your soul.
Not only I took all the stuff there but utilized my extra time on reading, writing and crafting too.
We, Cousin, vowed together and celebrated those days that I won’t forget.
I was just like you in my high school days and after that, we got holidays for 2 months those days were golden moments of my life which I can never forget, I started writing thoughts on my own, My writing habits begin there when I brought a diary, I hadn’t any cell phone or laptop or we only had computer WindowsXP. So I simply avoid using smart devices because I couldn’t have that much time for all these things and also no one was interested or needy of
1. Basic Questions and their answer in my point of view
Que: What is journal writing? and what is the difference between diary writing and journal writing?
Ans: The journal is the formal name of a diary, where we use diaries as informal stuff and personal planner but a journal sounds formal right? You may hear from your bestie that I am writing a diary nowadays and more often boys use this word I have recently started my journal writing.
Que: Why you have to write offline?
Ans: I mostly prefer you try to maintain your writing offline because you will learn discipline, patience, time management, and concentration by doing it daily.
Que: What type of journal I have to use?
Ans: Whatever you like to do if you have a diary, notebook, notepads, spirals or any of it you can use make it as a journal or if you like crafting and all you can also make your own journal on your own.
Que: Why I feel worthy of writing my own thoughts?
Ans: Whatever I am writing today will help my future self, it will become easy to that I have learned in my past and now what I have to learn today. I can easily notice my improvements.
2.Types of journals and 3. Their purposes
- Gratitude journal: Basically this is made for your dayday-to-dayfe when you feel grateful towards the things, facilities, people, relationships, events and experiences you have in your life.
2. Question and Answer journal: This is all about big questions and your point of view towards everything around you.
3. Book Reviews journal: What you read every day, you can't remember all of them so you can write down summaries of books in your own words what you learned from it.
4. Traveling journal: Wherever you go what experiences you gain their, thoughts you have related to that you can collect all of them and write it here.
5. To-do lists and event journal: This is all about planning your days weeks months and years, this is all about productivity.
6. Vision for life journal: here you can write your purpose of life dreams visions, long as well as short term goals that fulfill your soul.
7. Wreck the journal: this type of journal is made for lowering down your pressure, anxiety, and depression.
8. Art/science/professional journal: Depends on your interest if you are an artist-poet, writer, musician, lyricist and any other professional you can choose to write your own compositions or project details here.
4. What things you can write in it?
Ans: You can plan and write everything as you wish things to do, things to buy, things to schedule, the place you visited, people you meet every day, books you read, goals and dreams, gift ideas, cleaning projects, favorite memories, budgeting,gratitude or thank you notes, ideas, and thoughts come in your mind .
5. What you are selecting for that?
I prefer your choices first because after all these things you are doing it for yourself, start small note pads and go through the whole day, study your tasks, timings, schedule, likes and dislikes, the purpose of writing, selecting anything, do it what you have interest in? what you will choose will be important for you right?
6. Varieties of journals are there I am confused as a beginner from where should I start?
A gratitude journal is the best medium to start with, you can start with 10 points daily till 30 days, or you can choose to be grateful for 30 things each day to be grateful technique that will change your perspective to see the world positively, you can choose to be grateful for anything small or big,you can start with points simple sentences what language you prefer the best it is all up to you?
7.Regarding format, techniques, and schedule?
- I prefer you to start will bullets points and keywords, positive vocabulary.
- If you are forming a totally new habit continue to choose one journal 21 days to complete your cycle of habit formation you can probably do that increase your time limits till 66 days to form your habit permanently.
- Cut old and less efficient habits or task to adopt a new thing, try to utilize your time
- Choose your own format yes, it is necessary to do that.
- Go out and find out the best experiences you have in your life.
- Write down whatever comes first in your mind.
- Note down each one of them and check out which one emotionally attracts to you.
- Plan your day before you go to bed.
- Write your journal before you go to bed and when you wake up.
8. What are the benefits of writing a journal?
- Writing improves your mind: you can improve your thought quality.
- You can release your stress and filter and declutter raw ideas you have in your mind so you have a burden to remember everything.
- You become more creative by writing and you will also improve your knowledge in your field.
- You simply improve your writing and reading skills, you will enhance your vocabulary.
- It will motivate you, you will start loving yourself.
- when you become more attentive towards yourself do all these things regularly you will feel uplifted and inspired for doing other things to do.
- If you are Introvert, extrovert or ambivert it will suit your taste.
- Overall it will reflect in your personality because you choose to be different every time when you take a step on your behalf.
- writing also makes you self disciplined, courageous, confident, smart, learn how to focus, etc.
- You can start spending quality time with yourself.
9. What are the tips to make my work interesting and attractive?
- Use colorful fancy and varieties of pens: Not only your eyes like colors your brain too like it psychologically, in fact, our system quickly responds to colors. 2. Use stickers laces, fancy taps, flowers, ribbons, highlighters, paper clips, bookmarks, etc.
- If you are writing in your gratitude journal I prefer you read pen for all happy feelings you have or green is also good.
- you can try drawings clip arts that will make your stuff beautiful.
4. You can also click pictures, print and stick into your journals.
10.additional tips to do it better
- Before journal writing, you can do breathing exercises.
- After that 10 to 15 min of meditation.
- keep your language simple.
- Keep your work private.
- Do it consistently.
- Only the truth.
- Be natural and Original.
8. Last but not least do it for fun don't pressurize yourself.