In the name of you

Date: 15/12/2009

Shubhra sanag
5 min readNov 30, 2019

Dear diary,

Owners of you

Today is the second day with you, What I am feeling right now is something I couldn't understand yet that why you are special for me?

FRIENDSHIP GOALS Photo by Hannah Rodrigo on Unsplash

This is the first-ever present given by a guy,

My bench mate ya ya I am talking about him,

“Ashish Kumar”, I won’t have any crush on him but we are nice buddies.

Yup I know we do small talk but he perceives better,

The only person in the class I like to conclave with.

Sometimes we study together he wants to become lieutenant, we do lunch together if we didn’t eat up before the assembly or if he brings non.veg feast, I enjoy my meals alone more often then he joins me in the middle, We discuss dreams and philosophical things.

Nature is calling us Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

He likes trekking, wildlife photography, bird watching and cooking too. In weekends we go for bird watching together

In case if you missed my story of fascination let me tell you one thing. I decided to become an astronomer last year on the same date 15/12/2008, It was a Monday when I took my life’s vital decision. I was overjoyed by doing that. I think I was learning and my concernment on stars and the universe was on the edge I feel like a curiosity machine.

My passion speaks to me (copyright shubhrasanag2019)

My passion finds me, I find my identity.

From the age of two, I saw my grandpa while star tracking and experimenting with his equipment, He was too enthusiastic about his servitude, it was his desperation and obsession. That time I won’t have that much interestedness in this macrocosm. I gave myself too much time to comprehend and contemplate.

Look at me today I totally have a different temper and sensibility. Sometimes it feels like I am shifted from my reality and enjoying the total contradiction. I like to travel around the world and want to gaze at the iceberg.

Poem on snow

I want to touch, smell the snow,

yes, I am talking about you know,

I want to disorder the pattern and texture,

I wish I could stay under your shower,

watching all your flakes,

you are just like a vanilla cake

I want to wear a blanket made out of you,

don't worry i don't get the flu,

Even in the cold, I just want to see your crystals,

I know you must have a glossy luster,

Sunlight reflects on your white skin, like a vamp.

when I visualize myself in that place its feels like

I am walking on the fluffy ramp.

I love this winter and I love you too.

Today I am giving you one exceptional name firefly.

A combination of 7 alphabets made this word authentic it resonates with my insane behavior. 7 no. is also a mystery I will tell you about this some other day.

Yesterday Vishwas Bhushan gave me a challenge of the chess game, I said yes to him I have to prepare for the challenge.

I love to challenge someone so I did that I didn’t dare him but I gave it to my mind because it always tries to control my actions. So yesterday I called Ira and Ashish to help me with the basics.

We were all at my grandpa’s secret cabin where he had an antique piece of chess, that he used to play with my dada and my grand maa. when I entered the cabin I started feeling about the childhood memories I had about this place.

Secret entrance Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash

We were all just making fun of each other yesterday instead of teaching me chess ira was narrating a story about her dreams.

Cabin, Chessboard Photo by Javier Grixo on Unsplash

I enjoyed every bit of it, it was 2:30 pm then Mumma entered the cabin served as a tasty refreshment. The plate was beautifully decorated by her, my Mumma loves cooking so her love was shown on the plate, the aroma and memories came out together, I experienced the duality of a foodie and the observer at the same time.

Jalebi Image by

I am a little foodie, when you ask me for a treat I will be ready.

Snack time Image by Randhir Kumar from Pixabay

oh, It just hypnotized me after feeling all this, the mouth-watering snacks in front of us so we couldn't control ourselves, Samosa, jalebi, dhokla, and the cold drink It was just like a celebration of something, we finished all of that.

Ira’s mother called her on our landline so she gets back to her home and she invited me to her house and told me that her grandfather taught her every day and she said if you want to become master of this game, gave yourself a time.

The conversation after she reached home

At 6 pm Ashish and I went to eat a portion of Indian street food with my Mumma in the shop where we met with Ira and Ipshita.

My first love Indian street food Photo by Chan Walrus from Pexels

“hello di” ( smiling at me) said, Ira

“hi dear so you liked my home and my secret cabin,” I asked her

“Di it was so cool, even I told Ipshita about the place, it was so antique,” she said,

“Di is your grandpa was on the secret mission? it feels like he was a spy.”

Ipshita said,

I don't know about that but he lost his job,” I replied.

I think he didn't lose that but resigned by himself,”

Ashish explained,

“I don't know much about that guys let it be,” I said.

Both mummies were talking to each other.

and we made plans for tomorrow.

Plan today for your better tomorrow.



Shubhra sanag
Shubhra sanag

Written by Shubhra sanag

Shubhra Sanag is a Storyteller(Sci-fiction, inspirational & mysteries)Journal & Diary writer. Watch Mathukathe on Youtube

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